It is basically a bucket list site. You list out 43 things you would like to do in your life. They range from the practical -- drink more water -- to the incredible -- fly with the Blue Angels -- to the fantastical -- dance with someone like Gene Kelly. (all real examples taken from the site).
Well, one of my items was -- have a photo shown in a gallery or at a show.
And... drum roll please. That is happening tonight! I hung up the photo this morning and the event is tonight! I am extraordinarily nervous. Will people like the photo? Will someone buy the photo? (oh please, oh please!)
I am also quite excited! I mean how cool is this! My photo is hanging on a wall (not my own) and people (not my family) will be looking at it!
Now, if I can just translate this exhilaration into action and keep looking for opportunities like this, I will be on a roll!

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