I had honestly never given it much thought until recently.
It started with a simple comment, as so many things do.
I have started really focusing on getting in better shape. I am going to our local YMCA at least a few times a week. My boyfriend came with me the other day. On our way home I was mentioning how previously, I would get frustrated when working out because I never felt like I was getting results. Maybe I am impatient, maybe I am not working out effectively, maybe I just eat too darn much, who knows. The point was, that historically, I have gotten frustrated and ended up giving up.
My boyfriend said, well eventually, you will get started and then it will be the "Snowball Effect." Positive things will just keep piling on and you will notice more and more, and more quickly and more quickly...
Hmmm. Really? Maybe it is my mindset right now, but I have always seen the snowball as a large and scary thing.
How do I change my mindset? How do I start believing that positivity begets positivity? Right now, I am afraid I see positive things as individual beacons in a sea of negativity.
How do I change that sea into something more like this?

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